إرسال رابط إلى التطبيق


4.2 ( 8032 ratings )
الشبكات الاجتماعية نمط الحياة
المطور: Design for Humans Services Inc.

This is a social App that integrates an online community as a platform, provides the latest parenting tips, activities, knowledge, supports including pregnancy, child care, early education, and more useful information to all the Chinese parents in Canada and helps them to better understand the differences of parenting between North America and Asia. In this app, the users could share and exchange their parenting experiences as living in Canada, learn more entertainment, workshops and activities information for their family.

加拿大华人母婴育儿亲子社区官方应用,涉及在加拿大生孩子,准妈妈怀孕后的注意事项和孕妇保健,找家庭医生月嫂,本地生产准备,生孩子心得,分享如何母乳喂奶,坐月子经验,教父母带孩子,如何找幼教和day care,母婴活动,母婴用品推荐,打折信息,温哥华爸妈微信群,团购,支持妈妈创业等,让我们的熊孩子可爱成长,熊孩子不熊!

- 快捷分享所见所闻,可以把育儿的趣事和相关的见闻快速分享到社区。
- 可以学习其他在加拿大妈妈们的育儿经验。
- 可以与加拿大的妈妈们交流育儿心得。
- 可以通过应用发起活动和宣传自己的小生意。
- 可以与其他社区好友通过App互加好友并对话。